writing 350-400 no more or less

writing 350-400 no more or less.

I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.

Please choose one text from the Islam section and one text from the Hinduism section (these are listed below). Then choose oneof the following prompt options to address.

Option 1
Provide an analysis of what your two chosen texts, when considered together, reveal about the experience of practicing a minority religion in the United States. You must provide a different answer than you did in WA 3.

Option 2
Provide an analysis of what your two chosen texts, when considered together, reveal about the influence religions originating in Asia have had on American culture at large. You must provide a different answer than you did in WA 4. Please remember that “Asia” includes the portions of the Middle East we covered in class.

Text options

Islam texts
Malcolm X (film)

Spellberg, “Imagining the Muslim as Citizen at the Founding of the United States” (This is the only secondary text you have the option of analyzing as a central, rather than supplementary text).

American Muslims Prepare for Ramadan (video)

American Muslims Prepare for Ramadan (Links to an external site.)American Muslims Prepare for Ramadan

Taqwacore: Many types of Islam (video)

Taqwacore 6 Many types of Islam (Links to an external site.)Taqwacore 6 Many types of Islam

Hip-Hop Hijabis (video)
Hip-Hop Hijabis: Spitting Rhymes About Being Muslim And Female (Links to an external site.)Hip-Hop Hijabis: Spitting Rhymes About Being Muslim And Female

Hinduism texts
Vivekananda, “Hinduism as a Religion” (PDF)

“Howard and Sue Bailey Thurman Meet with Mahatma Gandhi,” 499-502 (PDF-cite this one as “Thurman and Gandhi,” if needed)

Sanjay’s Super Team (Video for purchase. It is also available on Amazon).

Sanjay’s Super Team (Links to an external site.)Sanjay's Super Team

You may use “The Making of Sanjay’s Super Team” as a supplementary text if needed, but not as a central text. You can find it here: Sanjay’s Super Team Featurette – The Making Of (2015) – Animated Short HD (Links to an external site.)Sanjay's Super Team Featurette - The Making Of (2015) - Animated Short HD

Further Notes:

Make sure to consider Said’s ideas regarding “Orientalism,” if applicable to your argument (it most likely will be).

Follow the Writing Assignment Rubric precisely.

You must put your chosen texts into historical and cultural context.

This prompt allows for many different arguments. Please make only one argument that you explore in depth. A helpful hint to remember is to keep it simple, creative, and insightful.

Do not use outside sources.

Make clear in your writing which central text you are referring to. Cite written sources with the last name of the author and page number in parenthesis. These will count towards your total words.

Please use the rules that attached

writing 350-400 no more or less

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