Writing Activity for ENGL 102

Writing Activity for ENGL 102.

I don’t understand this English question and need help to study.

– Peruse the checklist of “Top Twenty” grammar mistakes on page 2 of Easy Writer. Pick one (this might be most useful if you pick one you’re unfamiliar with). Tell me what Easy Writer says about it (what it’s called, how it shows up in writing, how to fix it, etc.); you’re welcome to use examples that Easy Writer offers. Research the grammar rule in another source(s). What do other sources say about it? Can you find a deeper understanding of why the rule exists? Does breaking the grammar rule result in confusion for readers? If not, can you find out why the rule still exists?

– Then, see if you can find an example in one of your projects. Fix it within the project, then include it in this WA, both the original and how you fixed it. If you can’t find an example in your writing, try to find an example from another source.

– 250-300 words.

– I will include all my work.

– If you can’t get an excess to easy writer I can send you some pictures.

Writing Activity for ENGL 102

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