Writing Assignments: Writing a Museum Report. Describe the gallery name, title of exhibit, and the artist’s; style– landscape, portrait, size of prints, View the entire exhibit (1st pass-overview) View again (2nd pass) and select 3 photos. Write alength

Writing Assignments: Writing a Museum Report. Describe the gallery name, title of exhibit, and the artist’s; style– landscape, portrait, size of prints, View the entire exhibit (1st pass-overview) View again (2nd pass) and select 3 photos. Write alength.

Help me study for my Article Writing class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Writing Assignments:

Writing a Museum Report.

  • Describe the gallery name, title of exhibit, and the artist’s; style– landscape, portrait, size of prints,
  • View the entire exhibit (1st pass-overview) View again (2nd pass) and select 3 photos. Write alengthy paragraph of each selected image. Describe type of light, use of tonal values and
  • Interpret: Why was this art created? Was it political, does it describe environmental conditions? Is the art about, beauty, personal expression or social issues?
  • Evaluate: Was the exhibit interesting? Did it make you think? How does it make you feel?
  • 5 – 2.5 pages printed on paper.

Writing Assignments: Writing a Museum Report. Describe the gallery name, title of exhibit, and the artist’s; style– landscape, portrait, size of prints, View the entire exhibit (1st pass-overview) View again (2nd pass) and select 3 photos. Write alength

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