Your group represents the senior leadership team in a hospitality enterprise

Your group represents the senior leadership team in a hospitality enterprise.

I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

  • Your group represents the senior leadership team in a hospitality enterprise (you may choose any hospitality enterprise under the hospitality umbrella, and you do not need to confirm with your professor first).
  • You have made a strategic decision to create a Training Program for a specific Health and Safety issue that aims to make your workplace safer.
    • Review the Training and Development chapter/PPT slides and the Health and Safety chapter/PPT slides and create a training program (based on relevant and applicable research) that will make your hospitality workplace safer in regards to one particular health and safety issue that is of concern to your organization.
  • The Training Program will be in the form of a “package” – a written submission with links to relevant videos – that will be given to all of the managers throughout your organization with the intent that they will then use the information to train their subordinates.

Your group represents the senior leadership team in a hospitality enterprise

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