Ra-cyber security-week6.
I don’t understand this Computer Science question and need help to study.
Lab Project 16.2
Find at least ten pieces of spam mail from any account, whether it be home, work, school, or
something else. Using the e-mail headers, and any web site that might provide information,
attempt to trace the spam mail back to its original source.
You will need the following materials:
1. Collect the e-mails and view the e-mail header information in your e-mail program.
2. Find the “Received:” field in the headers and write down as many DNS names or IP
addresses as you can. Also look for common details in the header elements of the different
messages, such as the same e-mail servers and spammers.
3. Using the Internet, research the physical locations of the IP addresses.
4. Report the different locations from which your spam e-mail originated. What did you learn
about tracing e-mail and spam?
Note:Capture a spam Email message. View the Email header and copy the information to your assignment document. Only one email is necessary. You do not need a reference for this assignment. You only need to show the header information. No narrative is necessary.
Showing the Email itself is not sufficient. You need to show the header information embedded in the message metadata. Search the Internet if you need help capturing the header information. Points will be deducted if the header information is not present in the assignment. An image of the message is not sufficient. A narrative is acceptable, but header information must be presented.